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Sunday, 13 October 2013

Top 15 tweets of all time

Here is a list of my all time favourite tweets that I have come across on twitter in no specific order:

  1. With great Walkie Talkies comes great response ability.
  2. When I have to dig to the very bottom of the washing powder to find that little plastic scoop it's like, could life BE any more unbearable?
  3. Sometimes I use the word "rad" because I'm a skateboarder in 1988.
  4.  If you are going to video record a movie in the theatre for me to later download illegally, do it properly!
  5. Why are shout outs always massive?
  6. No, just regularcalifragilisticexpialidocious.
  7. If you pull a lizard's tail off, it will grow back. If you pull it off again, the lizard will be like "dude."
  8. "Oh don't worry, I GOT THIS" - My dog anytime someone walks by the house. Or when the wind blows. Or just because.
  9. "Hitler" has 6 letters. Obama's mom’s cousins’s uncle’s dad’s high school football coach’s sons’s fish’s name has 6 letters. OBAMA IS HITLER.
  10. A parrot's existential angst: finding the answer to who is a pretty boy.
  11. Outside Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martins' house.....it's getting cold...still no big announcement from Apple...fingers crossed though.
  12. Slippers made out of Lego so that when you step on Lego you just get taller.
  13. Has batman ever played baseball? His name implies he might be good at it, he should give it a try.
  14. Riots? Whatever. Injustice? Whatever. Terrorism? Whatever. Ben Affleck cast as Batman? Noooooooo!
  15. Who let the owls out?? DON’T SING THE CHORUS YOU’LL MAKE IT WORSE!
      I love twitter...

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