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Monday 24 October 2011

I can never quite believe stuff like this. I mean SERIOUSLY, who names their child Matric Examsion??? What goes through your head when you decide this? Anyway, at least it provides people with laughs and that has to count for something right?

Thursday 13 October 2011

Time told

A while ago I blogged about how I was worrying about accommodation arrangements and how I thought that things wont work out. Well, today marks day number 22 of me living very happily in my new res. People always say: "Only time will tell." What time told me this time, once again, is that I seriously worry too much. If I can only remember this for future scenarios, that would actually help very much.  It feels like I immediately forget this piece of advice every time something does not go according to plan. Which is not very clever at all, I can now obviously see all too well. Or is it?

I can remember exactly how I felt that afternoon, when nothing seemed to work out or get to a point. And now here I am, three weeks later, thinking how unnecesary it all were. Say what you will however, it is not so easy when you are in one of those situations, to think to yourself: Wow, my worrying is really unnecessary. In that excact moment of your life, worrying helps you to cope. It helps you to get through your rough time. I don't care that it's unhealthy or bad for you, at least it's always there for you. There is an old saying that goes like this: "Worrying is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it gets you nowhere."

Hello, how lucky are you if you can sometimes just sit on a chair and rock backwards and forwards? Pretty darn lucky, I would say. In this busy life, it's nice to be able to just take a breather. And stress is the same. It wont help you solve your problem, but it gives you a chance to pause and not hurt your head thinking about solutions. Worrying is so easy. I wont judge you if all of this sound really crazy to you, but it makes sense (sort of!) in my head, so I'm happy! If you have other ways of coping, go for it! I'll just keep to my worrying, because that's one thing I know how to do well!

Friday 16 September 2011

A lesson about stress

Is it just me or does accommodation arrangements not just like always go hand in hand with headaches, problems and difficulties? Well mine does anyway. Luckily I am blessed with an older sister who can help me with things like this, as she clearly knows a lot more than me and have better experience with handling these situations. However, the way she handles it has me stressing. Although deep down I know that she is actually correct. You see, if the woman from the student accommodation office tells me I must give her an answer the following day about whether I want to move into res or not, I want to give her an answer the following day. But bring my sister into things, and that is not how it goes down.  She wants to speak with the woman first. And it doesn’t help that this woman is so extremely busy and that she doesn’t take calls or respond to e-mails.
Now the “following day” that I was meant to give an answer is also over. I don’t know if I can say obviously, because maybe it is just obvious for me. Anyway, obviously I am worried now and I think the woman will assume we are not interested and give the place to someone else. My sister definitely does not think the same about this than me. According to her the place won’t just be given away. Hell, I sure hope it won’t!
What I learned from all of this is that it is clear that when something has to do with you personally, you are way more emotionally involved and unable to think objectively about it. This is probably a bad thing I think. Although I must admit, I tend to stress a lot about things overall. I just know that all in all, it is for the best to have someone involved who won’t be influenced by the outcome of things. If things do work out, that is. Otherwise this lesson I learned means nothing. Except maybe to not bring my sister into things in the future. Just kidding, she really does help me a lot. (I love you sis!)

Thursday 8 September 2011

Just thoughts

Earlier this week my friend asked me for my help in motivating her, because she is really struggling with her university work. Now, we were together in high school, and she is really clever. But she's thinking about switching courses, because she can't cope with the work she has to do now. So that just got me thinking. Is there ever going to be a time in your life when you are not struggling with something or have some kind of problems? Probably not. And that's quite a morbid thought. 

When we were in school, the work was really difficult at times. And when we get to university it's obviously a lot worse. In your work place one day, based on how the cycle goes, you will then struggle even more. Just in a different way, but none the less, there will be problems and work you can't do. Why must it be like this? I really do not know actually. Yes, we have all those sayings of  "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" and "you will get out stronger on the other side". Well that does not really help you when there is a test you have to study for and you just literally can't understand anything you're reading. It's so easy to lose hope in times like this. 

The beginning

Okay so I have a blog now. It was just a random Thursday in the supposed study break mini holiday of the university and I was busy surfing around on the internet and decided to do it. I can't believe how easy it actually was. It couldn't have been more than 5 minutes to set it up and now I have my very own blog. Wow, respect for technology hey. Yeah I know there are thousands of better technological inventions already, but I tend to be amazed at things like this anyway.

I thought about getting a blog for a while now, but then I'll just forget about it again. You know how things like this go if you're just a beginner. You have your doubts about who will read it and what will you write. I just decided to take the plunge however, as I obviously have nothing to lose in this process. And now I find myself to be quite excited! I'm thinking about my next posts already. Then again, that might just be because I'm supposed to be studying for my Political Science test now! All in all, I'm looking forward to this new project. Who knows where this can take me.