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Thursday, 13 October 2011

Time told

A while ago I blogged about how I was worrying about accommodation arrangements and how I thought that things wont work out. Well, today marks day number 22 of me living very happily in my new res. People always say: "Only time will tell." What time told me this time, once again, is that I seriously worry too much. If I can only remember this for future scenarios, that would actually help very much.  It feels like I immediately forget this piece of advice every time something does not go according to plan. Which is not very clever at all, I can now obviously see all too well. Or is it?

I can remember exactly how I felt that afternoon, when nothing seemed to work out or get to a point. And now here I am, three weeks later, thinking how unnecesary it all were. Say what you will however, it is not so easy when you are in one of those situations, to think to yourself: Wow, my worrying is really unnecessary. In that excact moment of your life, worrying helps you to cope. It helps you to get through your rough time. I don't care that it's unhealthy or bad for you, at least it's always there for you. There is an old saying that goes like this: "Worrying is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it gets you nowhere."

Hello, how lucky are you if you can sometimes just sit on a chair and rock backwards and forwards? Pretty darn lucky, I would say. In this busy life, it's nice to be able to just take a breather. And stress is the same. It wont help you solve your problem, but it gives you a chance to pause and not hurt your head thinking about solutions. Worrying is so easy. I wont judge you if all of this sound really crazy to you, but it makes sense (sort of!) in my head, so I'm happy! If you have other ways of coping, go for it! I'll just keep to my worrying, because that's one thing I know how to do well!

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